Remote Desktop on FC8

Mike mike.cloaked at
Fri May 2 21:48:58 UTC 2008

Les Mikesell <lesmikesell <at>> writes:

> I believe the proprietary NX server has the capability to share the 
> session running on a local console, but I haven't used it.  The X vnc 
> module will let you do this if it is working again or you should be able 
> to start sharing on demand from either kde or gnome desktops (gnome 
> needs vino - not sure about kde).

I heard this "might" be possible but I have not come across anyone
who has actually got this working.  Running the vnc module in xorg 
does work as I use it all the time.
> > Of course someone may well respond and explain how desktop sharing
> > (to enable remote help over ssh tunnel) can be done with freenx/nx
> > alone (and no vnc) - but I never found documents to say that this
> > functionality was possible with freenx/nx
> It isn't with the stock freenx. If the initial session was running in 
> freenx, the user could suspend it and let you pick it up - but you'd 
> need his password.

There is development to get freenx-server and freenx-client into 
F8/F9 but it would be nice to hear from someone who knows from
experience that this would be able to share the native desktop
and to do so before getting either gnome or kde was running on
the local machine.

If this is only possible using proprietary code then that is a shame
- however I have not had anyone respond saying they have achieved this
even with the nx from !M....  

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