RPM Commands

Bruno Wolff III bruno at wolff.to
Mon May 5 15:23:16 UTC 2008

On Mon, May 05, 2008 at 10:34:28 -0400,
  Thom Paine <painethom at gmail.com> wrote:
> Is there an rpm command I can run to clean up the old rpm files on my system?
> Something like rpm -qa | grep fc4 -exec rpm -e {} \;

There is a yum command to do that. From the yum-utils package:
package-cleanup --orphans
will list all of the packages that aren't from your currently defined
repositories. You don't want to blindly remove these as there may be some
addons you want to keep (that weren't from fc4).

> I want to remove all the old FC4 rpms that are on my system before I
> upgrade from FC6 to 8.

There probably isn't a lot of point to removing the packages first. You are
going to want to do a clean up after the upgrade any way, so you might as
well just do it once.

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