redirecting output in cron job not working

Cameron Simpson cs at
Mon May 5 22:16:03 UTC 2008

On 05May2008 09:22, Mark Haney <mhaney at> wrote:
> Okay, I've seen this problem off and on for a year or two now and while 
> it's not a problem, it's certainly annoying.  I have several cron jobs that 
> run every 3 hours over the course of a day.  They are setup to direct 
> output to the logs like this:
> /root/ /mnt/m 2>&1
> and for about six months, I was getting mails sent to me with empty output. 
>  Which I didn't need, since it is only supposed to email with a problem.  
> However, for the last year or so, cron has been handling the jobs as it 
> should, empty output doesn't get emailed to me.  Now, however, it's doing 
> it again.

No, it's probbly you.

Firstly, the about does not send output to a log, it sends stderr to
where stdout is going, which is still to cron's output capture.
You probably want this:

  /root/ /mnt/m >SOME_LOGFILE 2>&1

Secondly, some conjecture: your "empty" messages were not empty, but
perhaps contained a single blank line or something like that.

Thirdly, it is worthwhile (though tedious) to exert some effort on
the cron jobs so that a successful run is silent. Not throw everythig
into a log file (though bulky output should probably go to such a place)
but to emit only messages about badness. That way, when things are bad
you _do_ get email and know that something should be investigated.

One strategy for discrepancy report I have found useful is to keep the
"raw" output in a log file, and email a "diff -u" between the log file
and the latest output, then rewrite the log with the latest output. This
way you have the whole discrepance in a handy log file, but only get
told when it changes. Useful for stuff that should be tidied up but not
yet got around to:

  # you need to create /var/log/state, somewhere suitable
  : ${TMPDIR:=/tmp}
  tmpfile=$TMPDIR/foo.out >"$tmpfile" 2>&1 || echo "exit $? from" >&2
  diff -u "$logfile" "$tmpfile"
  cat "$tmpfile" >"$logfile"
  rm "$tmpfile"

Of course, all that should go in a utility script and be called from
cron like this:

  /path/to/ /var/log/state/foo

so it is easy to do for lots of stuff.

Cameron Simpson <cs at> DoD#743

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