I know what opinions are like, but I still have one

Phill phanback at yahoo.com
Thu May 15 19:48:59 UTC 2008

OK First off let me say I've been a Fedora user for
about 5 years now. I love linux because it is so
customizable. I despise the way some other os's try to
control your computer if you choose to install them.
Unfortunately I've seen the trend in recent years of
many linux distros to try and "dumb down" their OS's.
I  don't know who to aim this gripe at. I am a KDE
user BTW, I have loved it up until version 4. I
believe there was another thread here talking about
how features seem to be missing from 4 and I must say
I agree on that one. One specific thing I've noticed,
there was a control to disable the sound system in KDE
3.5. Now it seems that you can't disable your sound
system, at least not through your KDE system settings.
Another is the transparent konsole that has
disappeared. Maybe I haven't looked hard enough, and
those features are buried somewhere. 
      It seems to me like the developers are following
along the mainstream view of how OS's should operate.
I hate to see that. I suppose it is an effort to win
more desktop users from the other OS's. I just want to
say, don't forget about those of us who CAN and DO
decide for themselves what is good for their own
computers. Let us easily customize things, don't take
away our options. Thanks.


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