Tips & Tricks re: prep for F9

William Case billlinux at
Sat May 17 13:58:11 UTC 2008


I am looking for tips, tricks or professional type advice for cleaning
the cruft out of my /home partition.  /home is set up on a separate
partition which has resulted in a buildup of unused and
unneeded .folders ('dot'FOLDER) in my /home directory as a result of
Fedora version changes and/or re-installs and trying out different
programs at various times.  

I have been using Linux and Fedora long enough to clean up by using an
ad hoc, trial and error, click and try, process to eliminate the waste.
However, I thought maybe someone on the list could suggest a more
efficient, a more professional, way of going about it.

The questions are:
1) How can I create a readable list of which programs or packages are
currently on my system?  yum --list or rpm -qa give long lists that are
not easily comparable to my /home/.folders.  Most of the items listed
would not even have a corresponding .folder.  Keep in mind that many
different program files are buried in /home/.gnome2 etc.
2) I am reluctant to use rpm -e or yum remove and thereby ending up in
dependency Hell.
3) Is there a way to flag unneeded folders for later 'rm' removal?
4) Would grep for 'last used' or 'last modified' dates help?
5) I am trying to figure out a method that after I get it working, I
could turn it into a bash script for future use. ??
6) In particular, I have a /home/.dbus folder that does not look like it
belongs in my home directory i.e :
]# ls -al ~/.dbus/session-bus
-rw-rw-r-- 1 root root  467 2008-05-16 22:12
805b33200b6b78247ea69400481e1100-0  -- Should/can I remove it?  Or,
should I chown? Man or Info seem silent on its use.

Any additional warnings (I have backed up), tips or advice on how to go
about this properly?

Regards Bill
Fedora 8, Gnome 2.20.3, 
Emacs 22.1.1, Evolution 2.12.3

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