Synaptics middle button emulation does not work

Frank A Ekern frank at
Mon May 19 06:47:44 UTC 2008

In Fedora 9 the middle button emulation (i.e. pressing left and right
buttons simultaneously) does not work with synaptics.
I have disabled the Touchpad and is only using the "pointing stick" (i.e
As a test I enabled the Touchpad, and the middle button emulation
worked correctly with the two mouse buttons located next to the touch
pad, but it still did not work for the mouse buttons used for the
pointing stick.
(I have now disabled the touchpad again as it is pain in the wrong

The middle button emulation has worked correctly in Fedora 7 and Fedora
8 on the same hardware.

The hardware i am using is a Dell Latitude D830

Output of 'synclient -l':
Parameter settings:
    LeftEdge             = 120
    RightEdge            = 830
    TopEdge              = 120
    BottomEdge           = 650
    FingerLow            = 53
    FingerHigh           = 58
    MaxTapTime           = 0
    MaxTapMove           = 110
    MaxDoubleTapTime     = 180
    SingleTapTimeout     = 180
    ClickTime            = 100
    FastTaps             = 0
    EmulateMidButtonTime = 75
    VertScrollDelta      = 0
    HorizScrollDelta     = 0
    VertEdgeScroll       = 1
    HorizEdgeScroll      = 1
    VertTwoFingerScroll  = 0
    HorizTwoFingerScroll = 0
    MinSpeed             = 0.3
    MaxSpeed             = 0.75
    AccelFactor          = 0.0015
    EdgeMotionMinZ       = 30
    EdgeMotionMaxZ       = 160
    EdgeMotionMinSpeed   = 1
    EdgeMotionMaxSpeed   = 400
    EdgeMotionUseAlways  = 0
    UpDownScrolling      = 1
    LeftRightScrolling   = 1
    UpDownRepeat         = 1
    LeftRightRepeat      = 1
    ScrollButtonRepeat   = 100
    TouchpadOff          = 1
    GuestMouseOff        = 0
    LockedDrags          = 0
    RTCornerButton       = 0
    RBCornerButton       = 0
    LTCornerButton       = 0
    LBCornerButton       = 0
    TapButton1           = 0
    TapButton2           = 0
    TapButton3           = 0
    CircularScrolling    = 0
    CircScrollDelta      = 0.01
    CircScrollTrigger    = 0
    CircularPad          = 0
    PalmDetect           = 1
    PalmMinWidth         = 10
    PalmMinZ             = 200
    CoastingSpeed        = 0
    PressureMotionMinZ   = 30
    PressureMotionMaxZ   = 160
    PressureMotionMinFactor = 1
    PressureMotionMaxFactor = 1

Frank A Ekern

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