F9: .procmailrc ignored [solved]

Brian Mury brianmury at alumni.uvic.ca
Mon May 19 23:54:53 UTC 2008

On Mon, 2008-05-19 at 19:22 -0400, Todd Zullinger wrote:
> Dumb question: is procmail installed?


> If so, have you tried this with selinux in permissive mode?

No. I was wondering about selinux... I had it turned off in previous
Fedora releases, and now have it on.

However... I discovered that by installing and turning on the
spamassassin evolution plugin, procmail would run spamassassin. Turn it
off, and procmail would stop running it. Of course, that meant email
would get checked twice - once by procmail and once by evolution.

I went through a process of turning evolution's spam checking on and off
a bunch of times, trying to find a config file that was being changed -
and it eventually just started working correctly on its own. Weird...

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