alsaconf for Fedora

stan goedigi89__e at
Sun May 25 23:15:34 UTC 2008

Ric Moore wrote:
> I have 6 speakers (6.0) My Ali Corp M5455 has
> speaker-out, line-out and line-in. But, you can plug stereo speakers
> into all three and with the right settings, get nice front, middle, rear
> out. kasound worked great until the last update. It would generate the
> correct .asoundrc file for you. Really sweet app, but it hasn't been
> supported for a couple of years now and is long in the tooth. I was just
> hoping to find a nice little gui, tell it what I have, and let it edit
> the file for me. You know, just like Windows. <someone shoot me for
> saying that! :) > 
That's how sound should be, and probably will be in a few years.  Video 
setup used to involve things like mode lines and horizontal and vertical 
scan frequencies, etc.  Now all that is in program logic and unless you 
want to you don't have to look at it.
> But I did google and found quite a few methods of composing
> the .asoundrc file. So, I found an rpm for alsaconf but it was for Suse
> or Mandrake and requires rpms we don't have so I scrapped that notion.
> So, being as the alsa crowd has a gui-configuration scheme, it would be
> nice to have it for Fedora. Thank you again for your response, I'll give
> it a go and see what happens! Ric
It is probably obsolete.  When alsa sets up, it should automatically 
configure your card correctly.  That means with something called 
surround60 in your case instead of surround51.  It wouldn't be hard to 
map stereo to 6 speakers but splitting the sound into frequencies would 
be missing unless alsa has builtin fft.  If it does, I'm not familiar 
with it.

You could try this in your .asoundrc

	# This creates a 6 channel interleaved pcm stream from two stereo channels
	# Assuming that they are interleaved and 2 is middle left, 4 is rear left.

	pcm.surround60 {
	        type route;
	        ttable.0.0 0;
	        ttable.1.1 1;
	        ttable.2.2 0;
	        ttable.3.3 1;
             ttable.4.4 0;
	     ttable.5.5 1;
	# see above.
	ctl.surround60 {
	        type hw;
	        card 0;

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