How to access Nautilus's Network filesystems via shell or 'Open With...'?

Dan Thurman dant at
Sun Nov 16 19:21:36 UTC 2008

I am working on F9

Via Nautilus:

1) Open the Network computer, enter name/password when prompted
2) Select the directory you want to go to
3) And say that you found a log file of interest: "Tracker.log"

Note: the "mounted" network connection appears on your Desktop
as: <Drive>$ on <windows-hostname>

You then want to do a tail -f on this file.  So how can you do this via
Gnome shell or even via Nautilus 'Open With...' ?

I tried to use a custom command with:
1) tail -f
2) xterm -e "tail -f"
3) xterm -e "tail -f  Tracker.log"

And none of these worked, at least I cannot SEE (1) and for xterm,
it cannot exec "tail -f".

But I noticed that, when I ran (1) tail -f, the interesting
thing is that tail -f was shown as a process, and it said:

tail -f "/home/<user>/.gvfs/d$ on <window-hostname>/Logs/Tracker.log"

Since I could not see the tail results, I killed the tail process ID and 
tried in a Gnome Terminal:

tail -f "/home/<user>/.gvfs/d$ on <window-hostname>/Logs/Tracker.log"

and it worked! However, not long afterwards, I got a message:

tail: /home/<user>/.gvfs/d$ on <window-hostname>/Logs/Tracker.log: \
Transport endpoint is not connected tail: no files remaining

Hmm... any ideas what I can try?


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