F10 ntpdate is hosed

Tom Horsley tom.horsley at att.net
Wed Nov 26 13:14:25 UTC 2008

> > Clearly some folks can lookup the names ntp1.ccur.com and ntp2.ccur.com
> > with no problems, not sure why ntpdate can't look them up.
> Well , I can't look them up here either . So maybe there is a DNS problem. Can 
> look up ns.ccur.com OK.

They are all behind a firewall, so only folks on local network can see
them, but apparently the real problem is that I turned on NIS to get
remote users to be able to login to the machines, and suddenly almost
no one can lookup host names (not sure why ping works, but wget and
curl have the same problems as ntpdate doing name lookups).

Edited /etc/nsswitch.conf and took "nis" out of the hosts lookup list,
and everyone is working now.

Seems like I recall another post with nis problems yesterday on this
list (which is what made me look :-).

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