F9-F10 preupgrade worked, but repos point to F9

M A Young m.a.young at durham.ac.uk
Fri Nov 28 16:32:28 UTC 2008

On Fri, 28 Nov 2008, Ted Roche wrote:

> Hi, folks:
> I used the preupgrade (after doing a yum update preupgrade to get the
> 1.0 version) to upgrade F9 to F10 on my ThinkPad T61 and all appears
> to be running quite well. However, when I went to try out the new
> NetBeans feature, I couldn't find it listed. Checking the Software
> Sources options in the Package Manager for GNOME, I see that I'm still
> pointing to the F9 repositories.  I know I could just hack the
> /etc/yum.repos.d files, but is there a more correct way to switch to
> the new repositories?

What does rpm -q fedora-release give? If two are listed get rid of the 
fedora 9 one, eg. rpm -e fedora-release-9-5.transition

 	Michael Young

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