gdm does not execute PreSession PostSession scripts

Trapper trapper at
Sun Oct 5 14:11:03 UTC 2008

>>> On Fri, Oct 3, 2008 at 1:45 PM, Paul Johnson wrote:
>>>> I've noticed that the customized gdm PreSession/Default and
>>>> PostSession/Default scripts that I've been using for years in Fedora
>>>> 1-8 no longer run on a system that recently upgraded to Fedora 9.
>>>> There have been many changes in Fedora's gdm this time, no more
>>>> gdmsetup program and such, but as far as I can see in the
>>>> documentation, the scripts are supposed to run still, but they don't.
>>>> It appears to me that neither PreSession nor PostSession is executed.
On Sat, Oct 4, 2008 at 6:20 AM, Trapper <trapper at> wrote:
>> So, the experience I am having suggests to me that PostSession/Default
>> does execute. This is in F10 and F9.
>> Maybe it has something to do with the custom commands you have? I know that
>> when F9 was released I had to revamp a couple of little scripts that I
>> automatically ran at login because paths to specific things in the scripts
>> had changed from F8.
Paul Johnson wrote:
> Well, I don't think it is something in the script, since it does run
> if I just type it's name on the command line after startup.  Also, the
> echo commands that write messages to a text file don't show up.
> You mention that you have scripts that run at login. Are you running
> them through some way besides gdm PreSession.  How do you do it?

For what it's worth, the echo command works in both PreSession & 
PostSession for me.

For echo append the file had to already exist. For echo create the file
was created.

Is selinux messing with you? Here, I have it enforced and it isn't 
inhibiting the echo writes to a file in /tmp.

I just run my scripts that I utilize at login by adding them to 
System/Preferences/Personal/Sessions They are just cleanup scripts, etc.

.... but I guess that's technically actually in-session rather than
pre-session, maybe? I don't know if that will fit your requirements.


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