A squirrelmail problem in fc9

Hongwei Li hongwei at wustl.edu
Thu Oct 16 15:25:34 UTC 2008


I just installed fc9 linux. Here is the system information:

kernel: 2.6.25-14.fc9.i686
httpd-2.2.8-3.i386 (apache)

firewall iptables stopped, selinux is set disabled.

All other things are working well including squirrelamil. However, one of
the squirrelamil plugins change_passwd does not work.  I posted my problem
in squirrelmail user group, but did not get any reply.  Since I use the
same squirrelmail plugins in my fc6 linux and they are working, I feel
that it might be related to fc9's features. So I post it here to seek help
and advice.

The plugins are:
1. compatibility-2.0.13-1.0
2. change_passwd-4.2-1.2.8

The squirrelmail and other plugins are working well, but change_passwd
does not work, even in the command line.

According to the instruction, in the change_passwd folder I turned on
debug and seeOutput in config.php
and did:

# chown root:apache chpasswd
# chmod 4750 chpasswd

# ls -l
total 116
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root    2481 2006-09-08 13:45 change_passwd.pot
-rwsr-x--- 1 root apache 10868 2006-09-12 05:45 chpasswd
-rw-rw-r-- 1 root root    7360 2006-09-12 05:45 chpasswd.c
-rw-rw-r-- 1 root root    2906 2008-10-14 10:54 config.php

>From a user’s account in squirrelmail, after clicking “Change Password”,
entering the current and new passwords, it displays the following

  Permissions of chpasswd executable are: 104750
  chpasswd has group ownership: apache
  Your web server is running under group: apache
  chpasswd is owned by: root
  To test the chpasswd utility from the command line, do this:
    cd /usr/share/squirrelmail/plugins/change_passwd
    ../../plugins/change_passwd/chpasswd 'xxx' 'yyy' 'zzz' 2>&1

Then, I tested chpasswd in the command line, but still failed:
# ../../plugins/change_passwd/chpasswd 'a-username' 'current-password'
'new-password' 2>&1
Current password is incorrect

I even could not find any message in the system’s logs.

If I log in as that user in a SSH console, I can run
$ passwd
to change the password without problem.

Since the command line does not work, I feel that the problem may not be
just the plugin, but in the fc9 system (somewhere), or both.

Can somebody tell me what is wrong? How to fix the problem? Does anybody
uses squirrelmail with the above plugins in fc9 system? If yes, can you
give me any advice?

I appreciate all the help!

Hongwei Li

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