Update Problems

Rick Stevens ricks at nerd.com
Wed Oct 22 00:28:19 UTC 2008

Dave Feustel wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 04:08:19PM -0700, Rick Stevens wrote:
>> Dave Feustel wrote:
>>> On Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 03:01:29PM -0700, Rick Stevens wrote:
>>>> Dave Feustel wrote:
>>>>>>>> Are you using Network Manager, and if so is NM managing your interface?
>>>>>> 1. Is there a nm-applet in the upper panel on the left?
>>>>>> 2. Check what:chkconfig --list |grep NetworkManager returns
>>>>> I don't understand either point 1 or point 2; I do almost everything via
>>>>> the command line in xterm. Could you elaborate?
>>>> If you have a /var/run/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.pid file, then
>>>> NetworkManager is running.  That's probably the most reliable way.
>>>> If you're in a GUI, look around in the taskbars and see if there's an
>>>> icon that looks like two computers, one in front of the other.  Right
>>>> click on it and select "About" from the drop-down menu.
>>>> If the About box says "NetworkManager Applet", then NetworkManager is
>>>> running.  If it says "Network Monitor" then NetworkManager is NOT
>>>> running.  The problem is that the icon for the NetworkManager applet and
>>>> the one for Network Monitor are damned near identical.  It's caught me
>>>> by surprise before.
>>> Thanks for this. I actually understand it!
>> Good!  :-)
>>> There is an icon on the upper panel next to the date which, when I put
>>> the mouse cursor over it, displays the message "no network connection".
>>> As I mentioned in a previous post, the system stopped connecting at
>>> boot, and I got internet connectivity by executing dhclient. Obviously,
>>> that command by itself does not properly set network connectivity and
>>> I have not figured out yet how to fix the broken step in bootup.
>> Well, we still don't know if it's NetworkManager (NM for short) or if
>> you're using ye ol' network stuff.  My guess is it's NM (the "About"
>> will tell you).
> Clicking 'about' generates a popup identifying NM as Applet 0.7.0.

Well, that settles that!  :-)

>> If it's NM, then make sure "Enable Networking" is checkmarked (right  
>> click on icon).  If it isn't then NM won't try to manage the network and
>> that may be where you're having issues.  If it's not checked, right  
>> click on the NM applet icon and left-click on the "Enable Networking"
>> option.  Then wait a few seconds to see if it fires up.
> Clicking on enable networking produced an immediate 'Network
> disconnected' message. Then left-clicking produced a bunch of
> lines that listed a series of network devices (5) that had been
> disconnected. All the text is greyed out.

Ok, so right click on the icon and select "Edit Connections".  Select
the "Wired" tab (I'm assuming this is a wired connection) and click
"Add".  Another window should pop up where you can enter the appropriate

If the window doesn't pop up, then edit the file called
"/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0".  Make sure there's a line
in there that says:


If not, add it (or edit an existing line) and try a reboot.  See if the
network comes up this time.  If not, then you should be able do the
above stuff about editing connections, since NM is now controlling this

I rarely use NM myself as it has some, uhm, issues if you have a complex
network configuration as I do.
- Rick Stevens, Systems Engineer                      ricks at nerd.com -
- AIM/Skype: therps2        ICQ: 22643734            Yahoo: origrps2 -
-                                                                    -
-     If one is what one eats, then I am fast, cheap and greasy!     -

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