
Todd Zullinger tmz at
Thu Sep 4 05:36:06 UTC 2008

Jameson wrote:
> Anyway, since the first message, I packaged it myself to see exactly
> what it does.  It is used as a wrapper for rpmbuild.  It uses strace
> to determine which files are used in the building of a rpm, and then
> uses rpm queries to determine which package(s) those files came
> from, and lists them.  Thus making it easier to see exactly what
> packages are needed to build the new one.
> It looks like it was last packaged a long time ago in RedHat 7.  I
> can throw my slightly modified SRPM up somewhere if you'd like to
> take a look.

The method I use when determining build requirements is roughly:

1) Look at the source tarball I am packaging and see what the
   documented requirements are, and add those to the spec file.

2) Build the package in mock, which builds in an environment with very
   few packages installed.  If there are build requirements not listed
   in the spec file, the build will fail.  I then add the build
   requirement and build again.  Repeat until successful.

It sounds like InDependence works the other way, by assuming you have
all development packages installed and then culling out what was
needed using strace after the package is built.  That seems a bit
impractical and error prone.  But to each his own. :)

Todd        OpenPGP -> KeyID: 0xBEAF0CE3 | URL:
Freedom is actually a bigger game than power, power is about what you
can control, freedom is about what you can unleash.
    -- Harriet Ruben

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