phpMyAdmin logout prompts for user/password again

Don Russell fedora at
Tue Sep 9 22:24:34 UTC 2008

I'm running phpMyAdmin on Fedora 9: phpMyAdmin-

I use an Apache rewrite rule to force connections to that site to be via
https since I'm accessing it from "outside" and there are user
names/passwords involved.

Basically if the connection is not HTTPS, I redirect it to https:... so it
tried again, of course this time it IS HTTPS so things continue.

It works fine, but when I exit from phpMyAdmin (use the exit icon/button), I
get another HTTP/1.1 401 Not Authorized prompt for a user id/password again
instead of a "clean" exit that just says something like "You are now logged
out, click here to login again".

It's not a big deal, but I show up in my own logwatch reports now as
somebody who's trying "break in".

When phpMyAdmin exits, why is it asking me for a userid and password again?

Is this something I should create a bug report on?

Don Russell
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