blue screen of death after logout

Wolfgang S. Rupprecht wolfgang.rupprecht+gnus200809 at
Wed Sep 10 23:30:12 UTC 2008

"Dr. Michael J. Chudobiak" <mjc at> writes:
> I suspect that the intel driver has a bug.

Or an X race condition.  I get problems with X restarting badly every
once in a while (and this is across a very large number of different
brand and chipset framebuffers.)  In my case I can usually get it to
fix itself by going to an ascii terminal (such as the ctl-alt-f1 one)
and then back again with ctl-alt-f7.  If that doesn't work the big
hammer of ctl-alt-bs (or ctl-alt-del for some folks).

Wolfgang S. Rupprecht      (ipv6-only)
         You may need to config 6to4 to see the above pages.

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