Alarm programs - recommendations wanted

Mikkel L. Ellertson mikkel at
Wed Sep 17 15:00:17 UTC 2008

Steve Searle wrote:
> Around 02:33pm on Wednesday, September 17, 2008 (UK time), Bill Davidsen scrawled:
>> I use "remind" because it also can do useful things like generate paper 
>> calendars, handle things like election day (tuesday after the first Monday 
>> in November), and generate ASCII, HTML, or Postscript output. It can not 
>> only remind you of birthdays, but tell you how old the person is, and 
>> quarterly things are a one-line description.
>> I've been using it for years, and I have a meeting input file, holidays, 
>> family birthdays, league competition days, all in separate files so I can 
>> merge and generate custom calendars.
> Another vote for remind - although I only use it to email me the next
> day's reminders rather than as an interactive "pop-up" application.  But
> the configurability is brilliant, allowing for count-downs to events,
> calculation of moon phases for my latitude and longitude, and any other
> number of things.
> But then I'm a mutt devotee also.
> Steve
I am another remind user. I like the fact that I can have one file
with all the holidays and such, and then each user can have their
own specific events, and link include the system folder. (INCLUDE
/usr/share/remind/remind) I have a .reminders file in /etc/skel that
just has the INCLUDE so that users do not have to figure out where
it is. I have a monthly cron job that mails the HTML calendar to
each user. Including quite a few that do not use the system, but
have get it on another e-mail account. As you said, you can also get
daily or weekly reminders. I have modified the scripts so they only
produce the output for one user, so they can use it in their own
cron job. Some people want the daily or weekly e-mails, and some do not.

You also have the option of putting the system calendar up as a web
page - great for an internal web server.

Like Steve, I do not use the pop-up alarm function, so you will have
to see if that meets your needs. There is also the a GUI that will
display the calendar, as well as let you add events. It also lets
you set the pop-up options, have it e-mail you the reminders if the
pop-up program is killed. You can also have it show you the days
events when you start it.


  Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons,
for thou art crunchy and taste good with Ketchup!

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