Git vs. Subversion. Which one?

Thomas Thurman tthurman at
Tue Sep 30 08:32:28 UTC 2008

2008/9/30 Nifty Fedora Mitch <niftyfedora at>:
> On Mon, Sep 29, 2008 at 09:30:39PM -0300, Armin Moradi wrote:
>>    So I wanted to know about the public opinions on which one is better,
> Read about Mecurial and RCS.
> This is a BIG topic.... and you need to disclose the size of the
> team and their preferences.
> If it is just you.... use RCS.

Out of interest, why do you recommend RCS over, say, svn or git or bzr
for a personal project?  I've been using bzr for a while for one-off
projects (which never need pushing to other machines than the one I'm
working on) and it works fine without ever using the distributed-ness.


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