RM to mp3 script

Phil Meyer pmeyer at themeyerfarm.com
Sat Apr 4 06:44:57 UTC 2009

Paul Ward wrote:
> Hello,
> Ok forsome reason this script will not convert the rm stream to an mp3
> if it runs in the cron.
> Can someone point me in the right direction on how to fix this.
> The script is as follows:

Most often, these issues of running from command line, but not running 
from cron, are environment related.

To test this, run your script once using at instead of cron, ie:

at now + 1 minute
at> script

If that works, then its the envoronment, and you can 'cheat' to make 
cron work.  Here is how:

Repeat the above at command, but this time give it 2 or three minutes.  
Long enough for you to 'find' the atjob.

$ su -

# cd /var/spool/at
# ls

You will notice at least one file here with a filename in the form of: 

This is a script that 'at' created, and it includes your complete 
environment as of when 'at' was executed.

Copy this script to some place before it runs and gets removed, ie:

# cp a00001013b0cd1 /tmp/template_script.sh
# chown myuser:mygroup /tmp/template_script.sh

You now have a template you can use for cronjobs that require a user 
environment to run.

Good Luck!

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