nvidia driver, kmod-nvidia-PAE question

Antonio Olivares olivares14031 at yahoo.com
Sun Apr 5 18:57:20 UTC 2009

Dear fellow Fedora users,

I was having trouble playing DVD's with Fedora on a Quad Core machine, and I decided to install the nvidia driver from rpmfusion and it has cured the problem :), thanks to those guys for the work they do.  

Now I decide to update the kernel to a newer one, will I have to 
# yum install kmod-nvidia-PAE
again versus the new kernel, or will the update to the new kernel automagcially fix the driver against the new kernel.

I really don't understand the kmod and/or dkms part of the drivers.  I have seen similar things for the modems like the 11c11040 drivers.  When I update to a new kernel, I manually update the modem drivers, but apparently when one uses the dkms/kmod code the work is done automagically.




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