Tiff files frmo xsane arent usable in windows

Joseph L. Casale JCasale at activenetwerx.com
Mon Dec 7 06:25:49 UTC 2009

>Can you open the files on a Linux computer?  If so, then the files are fine.  At that point you need to find a good tiff file viewer (or
>whatever) for Windows.  Which isn't a Linux issue, actually.

Yeah, it seems whatever came out of xsane isn't compatible with the fax viewer in XP.

>If you need a different format you could look at using imagemagick convert or maybe even something like tiff2pdf or tiff2ps depending on what you want.  Once you have a pdf or ps file you >could use pdftk or psnup (and psmerge and friends) to create "books" of your images, if you want.

mogrify batched them into a png which worked rather nice.

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