Request for Input on Creating Linux Courses...

Michael D. Setzer II mikes at
Fri Dec 11 09:25:00 UTC 2009

Finally got the go ahead to create two Linux courses to our College program.
Have included Linux in my lab since Redhat 9 thru the current Fedora 12, but 
have just been able to show students little bits of it from time to time, since 
the program is geared to mostly windows and some courses using AS/400 
mini system. 

The Ideal is to over a beginning Linux course, and an second level course as 
a start. In the networking class, I have one 4 hour section where the students 
go thru the installation of various Linux OS's,  and they can use the Fedora, 
but many students still stay with windows.

Was wondering if people on the list might have some knowledge of material 
that would best meet the needs of a community college program. 

Last year I did work with 3 students on a Special project involving my G4L 
disk imaging project, and it was interesting, but very focused.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. The Ideal is to have it ready 
for Fall 2010.


  Michael D. Setzer II -  Computer Science Instructor      
  Guam Community College  Computer Center                  
  mailto:mikes at                            
  mailto:msetzerii at
  Guam - Where America's Day Begins                        
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