RPM and DEB compatibility

Rallias UberNerd robinstar1574 at gmail.com
Tue Dec 15 14:46:14 UTC 2009

I recently took the time to make a really cool special self-made distro of
Linux. However, I want to be able to use both RPM servers and DEB servers
to update things with. I don't wish to use the one special piece of
software allready out their to turn RPM's into DEB's, because then I can
only use DEB servers to update easily, and I want both to have equal
precidence (the higher version wins out). Am I being impossible or is
their a way to do this?

Basically, I am wanting to have the shell determine the version of the
software installed and use the newer version, I suppose. I am currently
using BASH, but have SH, KSH, and CSH installed on my system.

Thanks in advanced.

Rallias Ubernerd
Clan: Phoenix of Rose Ash
Blog: ralliasstory.blogspot.com

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