F11 iptables can't disable

KC8LDO kc8ldo at arrl.net
Wed Dec 16 05:29:50 UTC 2009

Date: Tue, 15 Dec 2009 17:23:47 -0800
From: Rick Stevens <ricks at nerd.com>
Subject: Re: F11 iptables can't disable

>"chkconfig iptables off" will only block iptables from starting
>whenever you enter the run level you're _currently_ in.  For example,
>if you're in the GUI (run level 5) and you run that command, iptables
>will be off ONLY in run level 5.  It'll still start in run level 3 (the
>normal one for non-GUI stuff).

>If you're changing runlevels and want iptables off in them, the correct
>command is:

>chkconfig --level <list-of-levels> iptables off

>E.g. to prevent it from running in run levels 3 and 5:

>chkconfig --level 35 iptables off

>To disable it completely:

>chkconfig --level 12345 iptables off

>To enable it in run levels 1, 2 and 5, but not in 3 or 4:

>chkconfig --level 12345 iptables on
>chkconfig --level 34 iptables off

>You get the idea.

Yes I do. If you will look at the GUI tool under Gnome you'll find there is 
no option for run level 1. Under the "Customize" menu option only run levels 
2 through 5 are listed. I know its a single user run level but you would 
figure the option should be there. Any reason why its not? I can see where 
somebody may want to use the GUI to do something then dump out of it and 
switch to runlevel 1 at the CL.

So you're saying if its enabled in any run level, then of course it will 
show it as active.  Well let me do some more checking and reading on 


Leland C. Scott

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