Missing posts again ??

Tim ignored_mailbox at yahoo.com.au
Wed Dec 23 12:25:31 UTC 2009

On Wed, 2009-12-23 at 04:52 -0500, William Case wrote:
> The blockage seems to be at the fedora-list

You can tell, for sure, by reading the mail headers and looking at the
dates and times for each server it's gone through.

> or why else would I receive a block of 61 posts, some of the posts
> current and some two or three days old. 

Usually delays for list mail are at the ISP level, they've decided that
bulk mail may be spam, and de-prioritised it, or greylisted it, or it's
held back while being checked (and taking far too long doing so).

[tim at localhost ~]$ uname -r

Don't send private replies to my address, the mailbox is ignored.  I
read messages from the public lists.

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