Request for Input on Creating Linux Courses...

Jerry Feldman gaf at
Sat Dec 26 19:35:31 UTC 2009

I taught a Linux course at Northeastern University for a couple of
years. The classroom computers were Windows, but we used a partition
manager and set the systems up for dual booting between Windows and
Linux. Additionally, most of the participants had their own laptops.
Some installed Linux either as a single or dual boot. The IT people were
ok with the dual boot as long as other classes would be able to use the
systems as before. One campus I had help from the IT guy, but the main
campus I had to set up the dual boot with Windows as the default. One
thing I did in the Linux class was to set up X over IP where I had
students running Xeyes on  their laptop and having it display on their
neighbors. This shows some of the power of the Linux/Unix X Windows
system. You can also demonstrate X by running an X server on Windows ans
running an X client through putty.  The students seemed to like this.

And, of course, as mentioned on other posts, demonstrating the several
office products, such as OpenOffice, and showing how OpenOffice will
support much of the features of Office 2007.

On 12/11/2009 04:25 AM, Michael D. Setzer II wrote:
> Finally got the go ahead to create two Linux courses to our College program.
> Have included Linux in my lab since Redhat 9 thru the current Fedora 12, but 
> have just been able to show students little bits of it from time to time, since 
> the program is geared to mostly windows and some courses using AS/400 
> mini system. 
> The Ideal is to over a beginning Linux course, and an second level course as 
> a start. In the networking class, I have one 4 hour section where the students 
> go thru the installation of various Linux OS's,  and they can use the Fedora, 
> but many students still stay with windows.
> Was wondering if people on the list might have some knowledge of material 
> that would best meet the needs of a community college program. 
> Last year I did work with 3 students on a Special project involving my G4L 
> disk imaging project, and it was interesting, but very focused.
> Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. The Ideal is to have it ready 
> for Fall 2010.

Jerry Feldman <gaf at>
Boston Linux and Unix
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