Where did my penguins go?

Robert G. (Doc) Savage dsavage at peaknet.net
Wed Dec 30 16:24:48 UTC 2009

I modified /etc/grub.conf on my ThinkPad W700 to show the boot-up
process as text. I did this by commenting out "hiddenmenu" and removing
"rhgb" and "quiet" from the kernel spec line. The W700 has trouble with
a tickless kernel in F12 and needs "nohz=off". The first stanza is shown

The W700 has an nVidia display and uses the nouveau driver. Immediately
after the menu screen in F10 and F11 I'd see 4 penguins (quad core) as
the initialization began. It was kinda neat, but in F12 there's just
black space where those penguins would be. Where'd they go? Is this an
artifact of the nouveau driver?

# Kernel 0
title Fedora 12 (Constantine) [Update 3] (
        root (hd0,0)
        kernel /vmlinuz- ro root=UUID=blah-blah-blah  LANG=en_US.UTF-8 SYSFONT=latarcyrheb-sun16 KEYBOARDTYPE=pc KEYTABLE=us nohz=off
        initrd /initramfs-

--Doc Savage
  Fairview Heights, IL
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