Poor WiFi Performance

phil happyharrysco1 at yahoo.co.uk
Sun Feb 1 15:49:23 UTC 2009

Mike Cloaked wrote:
> Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:
>> Mike Cloaked wrote:
>>> I have several laptops connecting to the same AP and all set up with F10
>>> with the same apparent configs.... the difference is that one has 3945,
>>> another 4965 a 3rd ipw2200 and the last one with an atheros based chip
>>> and
>>> they all see different speeds - the interesting thing is that the one
>>> with
>>> 2945 is also slow like yours - so I believe that this may boil down to
>>> the
>>> current drivers in the Fedora kernel? The ipw2200 one is actually the
>>> slowest - and 4965 whizzes along very nicely and a lot faster - and all
>>> are
>>> basically the same setup!
>> Are they all in the same location? (Same room?)
>> Do they have the same signal level?
>> What happens when you take the 4965 laptop to the location of the
>> ipw2200 laptop?
> What I described was with the machines about 2 feet from the AP and all in
> the same location so I have a direct comparison - the signal strength at
> that location is showing upper 90's in percent.  I can't think of any
> explanation for the differences other than driver differences... but maybe
> you know more about this than I do?
> I use rsync regularly to run backups and to copy update rpms so I see these
> numbers coming up with a lot of consistency.
how about fixing the speed of the wireless before tring the tests using 
iwconfig, ie

iwconfig wlan0 rate 54M

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