rpmbuild question - follow on to gcc issues

stan goedigi89__e at cox.net
Tue Feb 10 23:57:43 UTC 2009

Steve wrote:
> ---- "Mikkel L. Ellertson" <mikkel at infinity-ltd.com> wrote: 
>> One way is to create your own patch that is used after the original
>> patch. Add it to the end of the patch list.
> Yukk!! That will get really tiresome really quickly. At this point I don't really know what I'm looking for so I may end up having to add debug statements to several files.
> Is there a way to apply all the patches to the source code and them remove them from the spec file?
> Steve
I don't know if this is possible, but if it is it's a lot easier to just change the compile to be a debugging version 
and run gdb on the result.  There should be a switch, but if there isn't just change the CFLAGS to use -ggdb -Wall -O0.

Of course, it depends on what you're debugging as to whether this is feasible.


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