Can I set DPI for login window (GDM)?

Tom Horsley tom.horsley at
Sat Feb 21 01:59:55 UTC 2009

On Fri, 20 Feb 2009 17:54:16 -0800
Konstantin Svist wrote:

> I connected my computer to a 52" TV (1920x1080, HDMI) - and it shows me
> huge fonts on the login window. They're so large, that some of the text
> runs off screen.
> Is there a way I can tell it to use the normal (96?) DPI?

That's weird. I have the opposite problem with a big monitor. The DPI
computed from the actual EDID info is really small so it figures
fonts about 4 pixels high will be what it wants.

In any case, it is possible to fix (though a pain in the patoot):

Basically you need to make it look as though the user named "gdm"
has run the gnome appearance properties app and set his default
font DPI (since GDM is running as user GDM).

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