Tune started from rc.local plays to completion, before bootup continues

Tim ignored_mailbox at yahoo.com.au
Mon Feb 23 01:34:01 UTC 2009

On Mon, 2009-02-23 at 01:09 +0100, Kevin Kofler wrote:
> Playing sound before your desktop session is started is simply not the
> use case PulseAudio is designed for.

On that note.  Having the login window trying to announce it's arrival,
which prior versions used to do, at least, seems a bad idea.

Likewise, I notice that Gnome rarely ever manages to play the sound file
that it's supposed to as your session starts.  And, if it tries to play
a sound as you log out, it starts and gets abruptly cut off.  That's
another couple of things that aren't well implemented.

[tim at localhost ~]$ uname -r

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