SOLVED -- Re: Help... Can't boot! (but more issues)

John Aldrich jmaldrich at
Sat Jan 3 19:51:22 UTC 2009

Well, I got it working finally... but i'm having some issues... the  
display is slightly off screen to the right, and I can't adjust it on  
the monitor because the left side is already at 0.

I used to be able to access the display settings, etc from the  
desktop, but that's not possible. Also, I discovered that the "/home"  
partition I wanted to save was on the disconnected drive, so when I  
was swapping my cable around on sda and sdb to get them to be in the  
order the system wanted, I also hooked /dev/sdc back up. Now, how do I  
get my "old" /home to be /home? All I have is a uuid in fstab. I  
suppose I could edit it and make it like the old style, but I'm not  
sure that would work.

Two questions then:
1) How do I access the display settings to change the refresh rate to  
adjust the horizontal positioning?

2) How do I tell Fedora 10 to move /home to a different location?

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