ssh clarification needed

Frank Murphy frankly3d at
Sun Jan 4 11:40:54 UTC 2009

Anne Wilson wrote:
> I frequently use ssh+keys to do yum updates on my server, but I've not used it 
> on other parts of the LAN.  Now I want to, and I realise that I'm not clear on 
> one very important point.
> Is a ssh key specific to a computer, or to a user?  That is, does my key 
> pertain to any box on the lan, as long as I'm the user?  Or is it machine 
> specific - in which case I would think that every user would have the same 
> key, which seems unlikely.  Then again, is it a combination of user and 
> computer, in which case every user needs a specific key on every box he uses 
> (assuming that he may want to ssh to other boxes).
> I suspect that the last case is the correct one, but I want to be sure.  
> Thanks
> Anne

Also lookup up fail2ban, in case your ssh server is open to the world.


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