SELinux does not like fail2ban

John Aldrich jmaldrich at
Mon Jan 5 01:41:03 UTC 2009

Why has no one fixed selinux to ignore fail2ban? It's been reported as far 
back as Fedora 8 that it's a problem. The first instance I found was as  

That was closed because F8 was nearing EOL.

Surely someone else is running fail2ban and newer versions of Fedora... Why 
doesn't someone fix it? I'll admit, I'm not a programmer or a "guru" of 
linux. I just like to run it as my personal desktop. Unfortunately, it's 
stuff like this which causes all sorts of headaches.

I've re-reported it as occurring in F10. Hopefully someone will fix it this 
time and put out an update to one of the things that is causing the 
problem, either fail2ban or selinux!

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