Problem using RTL formatting in writer

stan goedigi89__e at
Mon Jan 5 16:48:08 UTC 2009

Shahab Shahasavari Alavidjeh wrote:
> hi list
> I can't add RTL LTR formatting icon in my writer
> formatting toolbar.
> This problem is there since FC6 but i used to work with abiword. now i
> need functionality of openoffice writer. everytime I must use abiword to
> create documents and then open it in openoffice.
> the official build of from doesn't work either. It
> complains lack of GLIBCXX that is already installed.
> I appreciate if there's any advice or solution.
> thanks 
I'm running F10 x86_64.  I went to the open office help, did a search on right to left,
  and found the following:

Currently, supports Hindi, Thai, Hebrew, and Arabic as CTL languages.
If you select the text flow from right to left, embedded Western text still runs from left to right. The cursor responds 
to the arrow keys in that Right Arrow moves it "to the text end" and Left Arrow "to the text start".
You can change the text writing direction directly be pressing one of the following keys:
Ctrl+Shift+D or Ctrl+Right Shift Key - switch to right-to-left text entry
Ctrl+Shift+A or Ctrl+Left Shift Key - switch to left-to-right text entry
The modifier-only key combinations only work when CTL support is enabled.
In multicolumn pages, sections or frames that are formatted with text flow from right to left, the first column is the 
right column and the last column is the left column.

I didn't try it as I don't know how to use any of those languages, but it
seems to suggest that it is possible and supported in OO 3.

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