Fedora 9, OpenOffice 3 and Arial Black

Craig White craigwhite at azapple.com
Wed Jan 7 14:04:14 UTC 2009

On Wed, 2009-01-07 at 13:04 +0200, Nicolae Ghimbovschi wrote:
> It seems that Openoffice 3 (the build from openoffice.org) in Fedora 9
> can't use the arial black ttf font.
> While in F10 Openoffice 3(fedora build) can.
> fc-list : family file | grep Arial
> /usr/share/fonts/drakfnt/ttf/arial.ttf: Arial
> /usr/share/fonts/drakfnt/ttf/ariali.ttf: Arial
> /usr/share/fonts/drakfnt/ttf/ARLRDBD.ttf: Arial Rounded MT Bold
> /usr/share/fonts/drakfnt/ttf/arialbd.ttf: Arial
> /usr/share/fonts/drakfnt/ttf/arialbi.ttf: Arial
> /usr/share/fonts/drakfnt/ttf/ARIALUNI.ttf: Arial Unicode MS
> /usr/share/fonts/drakfnt/ttf/ariblk.ttf: Arial,Arial Black
> It is very weird that ariblk.ttf can't be used by the same version of
> OpenOffice 3 in different versions of Fedora.
> I just don't understand, what exactly is different.
maybe there's something wrong with your Arial Black font. Did you
install it from msttcorefonts at sourceforge.net?


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