using VNC on Fedora

John Aldrich jmaldrich at
Thu Jan 8 15:34:22 UTC 2009

For the OP, here's a copy of my ~/.vnc/xstartup file which works great:


# Red Hat Linux VNC session startup script
#exec /usr/bin/startkde
exec gnome-session

[end xstartup]

Note: I don't care for the way KDE is doing things in KDE4.0, so I'm 
switching to Gnome for my window manager for now. I can still run all my 
KDE apps but using Gnome for my window manager. Don't know what you prefer 
for your WM, but you can replace the "exec gnome-session" with whatever you 
use to start your preferred WM. Note the commented out "exec 
/usr/bin/startkde" as an example of how another window manager can be 

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