Upgrading to F10 without DVD

Kevin Kofler kevin.kofler at chello.at
Sun Jan 25 18:16:11 UTC 2009

Oliver Ruebenacker wrote:
>   I don't have a drive to write to DVD (only to CD). How can I upgrade
> from F9 to F10?

Plenty of methods. Some have already been suggested:
* preupgrade
* netinstall
* HD install

There's also a set of CDs you can use:
(depending on your arch), then pick the disc1-disc6.iso from there.

And finally there's also the possibility to upgrade with yum from a running
system (as opposed to an installer environment):
This is not really supported, but usually it does work. (You could also use
apt-get or smart for the upgrade, but I'd only recommend that if you're
familiar with those tools. Otherwise stick with yum, which is also what
anaconda uses.)

        Kevin Kofler

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