increasing time spent on grub during pm-hibernate

Konstantin Svist fry.kun at
Thu Jul 2 01:50:38 UTC 2009

Globe Trotter wrote:
> Dear all,
> When my machine wakes up from pm-hibernate, I spend less than a second on the grub bootloader. I am wondering if and how this can be increased to (say) 5 seconds? 
> Many thanks and best wishes,
> T

Hibernation is pretty tricky - it dumps all memory to the disk, which
includes all mounts, etc.
In other words, if you boot into any other OS and modify some filesystem
mounted in hibernated instance, you'll get a nasty surprise when you try
to resume. Or it will resume looking okay, but there is corruption
somewhere. And it's not necessarily limited to minor corruption - the
whole filesystem could get corrupted, you could lose EVERYTHING on it.
Even if you just want to boot to Windows, you usually have a few
different kernel versions in grub. If you chose one of those by
accident, you would get this nasty surprise, too. Plus, even though
windows rarely mounts linux partitions, linux could have easily had the
windows partition mounted (to read/write the documents).

I suppose you COULD hack together a system which will make damn sure
that no partitions of hibernated system are mounted (including swap!),
but that's not a common setup. If you're able to do that, then you're
already able to make grub pause at the choice :)

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