fingerprint login - some issues

Mail Lists lists at
Sun Jul 5 02:55:24 UTC 2009

   0) It works !!

   BUT -  there seem to be some dangers to using this which made me turn
it off asap.

   1) It only allows enrolling 1 finger - this means if you cut your
finger you can no longer use this without deleting and re-instating a
different finger.

      A better way would be to allow enrolling up to 10 fingers and use
any match.

    2) Once this is on, screen lock requires fingerprint to unlock -
this is awful. It should always allow either fingerprint or password.

       Again - cut your finger and you can not get back on to the computer.

   If the login screen (gdm) behaves similarly to screen lock it too
should have a password as alternate oetherwise you'd be locked out until
your finger healed!

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