From the top... how do I get sound working in F11 ?

Chris chris1.noreply at
Tue Jul 14 20:46:20 UTC 2009

2009/7/14 Linuxguy123 <linuxguy123 at>:
> I've been using F11 since it came out and it works great. But I haven't
> had any sound since I did the upgrade.  Sound worked great in F10. Its
> getting old not having sound.  How do I get it working ?

I've had a whole bunch of sound problems so I'll throw some
suggestions in... I've found that in a few situations I can only get
sound working with the flash plugin and VLC. There's obviously
something wrong with one or more of the backends to the various apps
(gstreamer, xine, phonon). It's worth figuring out whether you're
getting no sound at all (which would suggest there's something wrong
with the config of your output device), or whether you're getting
output from certain apps but not others (which would suggest some or
all of the backends are failing for some reason).

I seem to recall reading some of your threads about KDE 4.0 so I guess
you're running KDE now. In that case, you're probably running audio
apps which go through phonon, which is part of Qt4. I've had problems
with the xine backend of phonon at times. When I removed the xine
backend things sprung into life (maybe try "rpm -qa | grep phonon" for
clues as to the package to remove).

HTH, Chris.

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