From the top... how do I get sound working in F11 ?

gilpel at gilpel at
Wed Jul 15 05:12:53 UTC 2009

> Fedora was expecting to use PulseAudio but you removed that as your
predicate. That puts you with a vocal minority who would rather gripe
about pulse audio than make it work so it will be up to them to tell you
how to solve the sound issues that you 'fixed' by removing pulseaudio

I didn't remove pulseaudio:

yum install pulseaudio

Loaded plugins: refresh-packagekit
Setting up Install Process
Package pulseaudio-0.9.15-14.fc11.x86_64 already installed and latest version
Nothing to do

Since I find my volume is too low, I tried pavucontrol as suggested. (No
pamixer available from yum.)

I receive:

Connection failed: Connection refused

I can see the settings for output devices are set to 100% in the interface
but since the connection fails, I can't be sure the figure is correct and
I can't change it.

One thing is sure: it isn't possible to get as much juice from my preamp
as SMplayer delivers. By default, the sound is rather weak, even with
alsamixer set to max.

Also, I removed Totem and installed Mplayer because I couldn't watch
features at Radio-Canada with Totem. I'm not sure how this would work with
Totem, but I can't set the system so that it plays the DVD just by
clicking on the icon.

System - Preferences - File Management - Media finds "no application" to
play video DVDs and there is no way to enter preferred applications. For
audio CDs, XMMS which, I believe is the default for the GNOME
installation, is still installed and it's "no application again", no way
to enter any.

For playing DVDs, SMPlayer does a good job so, we're not talking about a
major glitch here, mainly if you put an icon for SMPlayer in the panel.
But if people come from the Mac world, they'll really find it terrible if
you can't start a DVD by clicking on it.

I would be better if this was fixed. Even though the default volume I now
have is not unbearably low, it would also be prefereable if there was a
way to adjust it with pavucontrol. (Maybe this works on 32 bit systems. I
have no idea.)

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