From the top... how do I get sound working in F11 ?

Bill Davidsen davidsen at
Sat Jul 25 23:54:13 UTC 2009

Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:
> Bill Davidsen wrote:
>> Craig White wrote:
>>> Fedora was expecting to use PulseAudio but you removed that as your
>>> predicate. That puts you with a vocal minority who would rather gripe
>>> about pulse audio than make it work so it will be up to them to tell
>>> you how to solve the sound issues that you 'fixed' by removing
>>> pulseaudio package.
>> Good, then point us to the documentation which describes how to make the
>> alsamixer, advanced mixer, PA volume and tabs, and anything else which
>> might clarify how to use the four or five sound apps which all interact
>> with each other in such a way that sound works without days of fiddling
>> which stop working at the next upgrade. PA is too damn fragile to use
>> unless you are one of the few who has it work out of the box.
> I would probably start at:
> There is a nice menu on the right side that serves as a table of
> contents, as well as pointing to where to find information on things
> like userland programs.
A list of tools is nice, much like giving someone a car which doesn't work and 
packing list for a big set of auto tools, complete with notes on what the 
individual tool does, and letting that someone fix the car. What is lacking is 
some procedure for finding the problems, diagnostics, not the tools to fix them.

All I find is lists of tools, and people who say it works for them so "it must 
be your hardware" even thought it works with FC6. And people who see no problem 
holding the conflicting concepts that it "works right off the bat" and "you have 
it set up wrong."

Bill Davidsen <davidsen at>
   "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot

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