F11: kill -9 doesn't work

Bill Davidsen davidsen at tmr.com
Mon Jul 27 21:28:14 UTC 2009

Terry Barnaby wrote:
> On 07/24/2009 10:40 PM, Bill Davidsen wrote:

>>> Currently if I run paraview, X goes to 100% and I can no longer
>>> operate the system via mouse/keyboard. Via a network login I
>>> can "killall -9 X" but that does nothing to X. I have also
>>> tried killing paraview in the same way with no effect (possibly
>>> after trying to kill X).
>> I hope this is a typo, process "X" is long gone, the X process is called
>> "Xorg" now. I assume you had a finger check and actually killed the real
>> X process.
> On F11 "Xorg" is hard linked to "X" and "X" is the program started.
> So in "ps" listings the XServer process is named "X" and to kill it
> with "killall" you need to do a "killall -9 X" ...
On my system both top and ps show it as Xorg, FC9 and FC10. I don't have an FC11 
machine handy right now, so I can't swear to that, but 'killall Xorg' sure kills 
X in a VM!

Anyway, since your problem is solved it's not an issue.

Bill Davidsen <davidsen at tmr.com>
   "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot

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