OpenOffice stock pictures path

Michael Cronenworth mike at
Wed Jul 29 05:48:56 UTC 2009

On 07/29/2009 12:24 AM, Joe Smith wrote:
> I can't see that it's your fault, or Fedora's. It seems like a bad 
> design to me, to use stock resources in a way that's almost guaranteed 
> to break, but here's the official response:
> Yes, "this is a feature and no bug."
> I'd say it's worth asking them to take another look, since a routine 
> upgrade will break documents that are otherwise untouched, but in the 
> end it's all rather academic.

Thanks for the bug. Yes, it seems rather odd to even have their numbered 
directory for their stock items. Do they really plan on letting people 
have 2.0 and 3.0 installed at the same time? What would 
that gain anyone?

I'll mull it over and create more havoc when I think I'm ready.

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