The ideal mail client?

Mike Cloaked mike.cloaked at
Fri Jul 31 20:30:24 UTC 2009

Does anybody have knowledge of an mail client has the most ideal
functionality for Fedora?

I am currently using Thunderbird as its user interface is comfortable for
me, and it has plugins to handle gpg encryption, can sync to caldav
calendars (like Yahoo) - but one big downside is that its local storage is
in mbox format which is really awful for large collections of mail.

I have used Kmail in the past which did have support for maildir format as a
big plus, and did support gpg encryption, but it never supported html mail
properly which was a big downside - and I don't know if it will sync to
caldav calendars?

Is there a single mail client that has a nice UI, can support both html mail
and maildir format, as well as syncing caldav calendars and support gog
encryption? Of course supporting multiple email accounts including imap is

Email clients have been a slight irritation for me since I never found one
that supports everything that I need in a single application.
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