Running 2.6.27 on F11 instead of 2.6.29

Suvayu Ali fatkasuvayu+linux at
Sun Jun 7 16:41:34 UTC 2009


I wanted to check with you whether this is feasible before I attempted 
it. I use a ATI HD4870 so I _need_ the proprietary drivers for a working 
GUI. However they don't support 2.6.29 yet. So I was advised on the 
RPMFusion list, that if I really wanted to upgrade to F11, I install F11 
downgrade the kernel to 2.6.27 and use akmod.

I had some concerns about the use of stronger hashes[1] in F11, but I 
was told they are backwards compatible. So my question is, would 
installing F11 and using the F10 kernel rpms to downgrade the kernel to 
2.6.27 to use proprietary drivers from RPMFusion along with akmod be 
good idea?

I want to upgrade mostly because of XFCE 4.6. I wanted to get rid of 
Gnome completely and move to XFCE and Windowmaker. Gnome is too slow 
even on high-end hardware like mine. Sometimes simply opening Firefox or 
Thunderbird takes ages(5-10s). If someone were to tell me XFCE 4.6 would 
be available in F10 I would abandon all this jumping through hoops right 
away. :)

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.


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