F11 - Unmitigated Disaster

homburg at tips-Q.com homburg at tips-Q.com
Wed Jun 10 02:48:34 UTC 2009

New Dell Core2, 8gb memory, 256gb disk. Upgraded from F10.

1. So sluggish I can barely do anything. Windows come up
and are unresponsive. It takes about 30 seconds to get a
terminal. Just to send this email took about 30 seconds for
the screen to render.

2. Mouse/Cursor issues. Just to get the cursor from the
subject line to the message body took about 10 seconds.

3. Firefox completely broken.

4. Dolphin completely unresponsive.

5. Overlapping windows causes the bottom window to to
become unrendered. Cannot switch between windows.

6. DNSSec - no keys. Had to remove from named.conf until I
can sort it out.
"Neither Lifestyle nor Agenda"

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