OpenJDK / IcedTea is ###p

Fernando Cassia fcassia at
Fri Jun 12 07:17:32 UTC 2009

Please pardon my French....

First thing I did after installing F11 was opening a command prompt and see
the level of Java included.

$ java -version
java version "1.6.0_0"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.5) (fedora-22.b16.fc11-i386)
OpenJDK Client VM (build 14.0-b15, mixed mode)

good, I think.

So I load the default Firefox browser, type About:plugins, see:

IcedTea Java Web Browser Plugin File name: The IcedTea Java
Web Browser Plugin 1.4.1 (fedora-20.b14.fc11-i386) executes Java applets.And
so Ioad the Java Tester URL....

and get... NOTHING. The applet doesn't load. Doesn't show up.

Thoughts? Comments? Expletives? ;-)

PS: I think the installer should ask "do you want the Stallman-blessed JVM
that causes more problems than it solves, or the Sun JRE that just woks ?"
then it would proceed to contact the web site, display the
EULA. and upon agreement proceed to install it. Sheesh. ;-)

Dream of the Daily Mail
It is the Holy Grail
And then the BBC
Your life would be complete

-Manic Street Preachers, "Royal Correspondent"
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